date: Friday, September 18, 2009
title: Selamat Hari Raya
OK. Its been long since I post something. Got a request for VLOGs. But that got to wait. Sorry Hunni. Since it is gonna be Hari Raya soon, I guess a little bit of humbling down and forgiving is nice. Well, at least I am also dusting my very very old and lonely blog. :)
Its gonna be Hari Raya this sunday. In case you people don't know, it is the time of the year where we malays/muslims go out and rip people of their money, Besides that, we also ask for forgiveness(contradict much after taking their money?), we forgive others and not forgetting fabulous food and clothes. So I would like to take this opportunitty to seek forgiveness from others.
Here is a small list:
Siti Farhanah: FARHANAH! AKU RINDU KAU! I seek your forgiveness for all the wrong deeds I had done to you. I know I have not been a good friend as sometimes I neglect you. I am not a good friend because I am sometimes not there for you. I am not a good friend because I am more good looking than you. But still, maaf zahir and batin.
Shafizan: Ouh kembar ku, aku susun semua jari aku minta maaf kalau aku ada terkasar bahasa terhadap kau. Aku mintak maaf and happy sesuci lebaran.
Layhuh: You are old but I am always treating you like you are young. Ok doesn't make sense? I want to seek forgiveness from you for all the things I had wronged you. And you need to seek forgiveness from me too for being too bossy :)
Ira: I forgive you even though I still have no heart to me name. :( And I seek forgiveness for all the wrong I had done to you. For being rude and crude, even though you did the same to me. ILY!
Milly: I forgive you too. I don't know why but you are like the best guy friend I ever had. Unlike Marc who thinks of himself and always try to out do me, especially in talking tagalog. And I am sorry for all the mistakes I had done to you.
Riena: I smell bitches in the house!!! WOOHOO!! I ask for your forgiveness in this holy month for maybe being a little too overboard for all the things I am bitchy. So for that, I am arranging all ten fingers+10 toes+my mom's finger and please forgive me as I am not the best of a friend as I tried. And you are like the best girlfriend ever.
Eden: I do you no wrong, but still if if you think I did, forgive me my child.
Afiq: Afiq, aku susun sepuluh jari aku, mintak maaf kalau aku selalu kutuk kau. Aku sorry banyak. Harap-harap bila buka sekolah aku tak kutuk kau lagi, at least tak banyak sekarang.
Ricca Melissa: Hey girl! Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir and Batin. I did not do you any wrong, but we both did a lot of wrong to alot of people in the gossip sessions. WEE!
My Four Besties In Secondary School: Shafienas, Dee, Hunni and Faz, I am holding out all my heart and soul for I did not attend some events which have been planned, for my foul mouth(but all of us gossip rite. LOVE IT!) and for not being able to upload the Sentosa pictures. So I am seeking forgiveness from all of you. I miss you guys.
IKEA: I am so sorry that I have yet to return the uniforms to you yet. But who cares rite?!?! NEXT!
Fyda, Hafyz, Wirdah, Haziq, Shafiee, Lina, Zaky, Suhana, Cik Radziah, Salihin, Ayu, Adidy Venom, Yusni: Aku mintak maaf kalau aku kerja kat IKEA bagus sangat. HAHAHA!! Aku mintak maaf sempana Hari Raya ni sebab aku tahu aku nie berbual lucah, straight takder corner. AKU SAYANG KORANG!
Beats Encore: I am sorry for all the wrong things I had done in Beats. Have to admit it Layhuh, I MISS BEATS!!! And I miss all the wonderfull people in it like El Iani, Yani kerinting, Rosy, Belo Gongong and so much more......
Re-Plug IG: I think it is just jealousy. I just want to prove Beats is better but hey, different IG, how to compete?
IT Help-desk: NAH! I still hate you!!!
Ok thats is the small list of people I want to ask forgiveness from. Some of it is short, but whats important is, it comes from the heart. ILY ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!! SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!
date: Friday, September 4, 2009
As requested, this is my first VLOG. I hate my voice. Very urgh!!
So thats the VLOG. It was out of randomness. My friends and I are doing our weekly outing and I decided to do this VLOG. More coming up I guess.
title: HEYO!!!!!!!!
I am back. I was suppose to post a VLOG but I shy arh. Ok, I know I have been missing for like a week. I AM BACK! Busy larh nyahs. Got to attend to house decoration needs. :)
So this year I had plan for a purple dream interior for my living room. Last year it was coffee me up theme. Why the name? Don't ask me. I just come up with it. Seriously, I am good at interior design. NOT BRAGGING!.
Living room-This is the main wall. Believe it or not, this wall is a big mirror. WEE!!
The rest of the wall were given this three shades of brown, thus the name coffee me up. The motifs of the top of each wall.
So basically that is the part where I am in-charge off each year. The color of the walls. Basically, the main wall will be redesign and I got just the thing. This year color will be purple. I dunno how many shades of purple but I assume alot because the design will be slightly more on the main wall. Ehh, I'm tired. Tomorrow got photoshoot somemore. Mati sey. ARGH!!!!!!! BYE!